Our church "Open Door Fellowship of Franklin" has been participating in a mission project this week. It has been a wonderful blessing for me and the church. But, do you know, mission projects are sometimes rejected by churches because of the fear "we cannot get enough people to help us". Let me tell you, if God puts it in your heart to be a blessing to others, do it! God can and will prepare the way and the people to help. Sometimes all it takes is for one person to stand for God and HE will do the rest. God is really blessing our missions project. Now why do we FEAR?
If you want victory, you must expose the place of your doubts and fears. Many of us are not willing to do that. The devil has intimidated so many of us that we hide our eyes from the sunshine of God's light. There is really nothing to be afraid of when it comes to the devil. Do you know what fear is? False Evidence Appearing Real. You can be fooled by false evidence. Take a bank robber with his hand in his coat pocket pretending it is a gun. His power comes from the power of deception. His power is the power of fear! Friend, victory's arrows cannot be shot through closed windows. Is there any area of your life that you have been unwilling to open the window on? Turn your face to the light and give it to God. HE will satisfy your fear problem.