“And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thine hands.”
Hebrews 1:10 So, who is this Jesus really? What is HE all about, some may say? We all specific dates of our birth, but nobody really knows the exact date of Jesus’ birth, and yet His birth has divided all of history to A.D. and B.C. He never, so far as we know, wrote a book, and yet more books have been written about Him than any other person. He never painted a picture or composed any poetry or music that we know of, and yet He has been the inspiration of the greatest music, art, and poetry that the world has ever known. He never had any formal education, yet more schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries have been founded in His name than any other person who ever lived. So, who is HE really? HE is the Lord, The Son of The Living God, The Alpha and Omega, The beginning and The end. That’s who the Lord Jesus is, and never has there been another like the Lord Jesus Christ! Read Hebrews 1:1-14. Marvel at His majesty! Praise His omnipotence! When does friends mean the most to you? When is your families love mean the most to you? Does love really bind a family together? Does love keep your friends around you? These are questions that are normally ask of me, as a pastor, when people are going through problems in their relationships. Another question I ask people is: Does God's love mean anything in our relationships to others?
People form their own opinions about family, friends and God. God is God whether we agree or disagree with His Word. If His Word says it, it doesn't matter what the popular opinion says. Even in our relationship with friends. Friends remain friends even when events happen that isn't popular to everyone's opinion. Families remain family, even if someone else says this or that about one of them. The world looks at politically correctness rather than the truth of the matter. How do we measure truth? I have a friend who tells me that when I answer a question based on the Bible, its my opinion because man wrote the bible and man is inferior. So, what is your truth based on? What is your friendship with others based on? What is your relationship with Almighty God based on? If Heaven is not at the core of our ministries, then not only do we have a limited view of the fullness of life and our redemptive experience, but we are unable to help those who are truly in need. Don't let the gravity of this worlds problems pull you into a negative life style. Someone told me "A heaven dimly lit, results in a life poorly lived".
“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.” Ephesians 5:29-30
The bible says that Jesus is the head of the Church and husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church; and there is more scripture that directs people to the church; so why is it that many believers think they don’t have to go to church. They say yes to Jesus, but no to the church. Now, this happens for many reasons. But if you love God, you will love Jesus. And if you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and Jesus loves the church. Well, can’t a man be a Christian without being a member of the church? Let me answer that question with another one—can a bee be a bee without a hive? Can a sailor be a sailor without a ship? Can a person be a parent without a family? Lets all face the facts; We need one another. We were made for one another. Jesus didn’t say, “I will build you a church” or “You will build My church.” Instead, Jesus said, “I will build My church.” Now you answer whether or not should you go to church. Hearing about the passing of a loved one is so hard to take some times. We humans think we will live to a great old age and death only happens to other people. Life is so short. The bible says it's but a vapor, here today gone tomorrow. We just don't know what is on our plate for tomorrow, but be assured God is holding the plate. Treasure your relationships. Death makes life all the more precious.
“And above all things, have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:8 Why is love so important? First, because it is the greatest virtue. Love supersedes faith and hope. Second, because it is the greatest command. Jesus said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matthew 22:37). Third, love is the greatest testimony. What is really going to make your community wake up and believe that your church is really the church of the Lord Jesus Christ? The size of your building? The way your lawn looks? The signage at the street? No. The way you love God and show love to others. |
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