Pressure! Pressures of life sometimes breaks us in half. I remember a saying "Be like the willow tree - able to bend without breaking, under the weight of the storms we face in life". Being flexible helps get us through the trying situations we find ourselves in. It not only helps with the everyday obstacles, but also with long term pressures. Ask God to give you the ability to bend with the times - HE will.
When God revealed Himself to the old prophet Isaiah, he was in terror, "Doom" he thought. I'm doomed. I'm as good as dead, he said. Such a vision would likewise throw us into a state of fear. I think we all should thank God for not striking us down when He reveals Himself to us. Each day, thank Him for His enormous love for us, in prayer.
Grace! A good name for a baby girl - A good name for a princess - A wonderful gift from God above. Grace "He gives when our burdens are heavy". Sufficient Grace "He multiplies when our load of burden increases". Strength - "God give us when we can't go on in this life of pressures." Mercy! "He adds to multiplied trials". Do we as a sinful bunch of people deserve this? No, but God loves us unconditionally.
Difficulties come our way more times than we want, but life has a way of maturing us into people of character. Difficulties of life are intended to make us better people, not bitter people. What are you facing today and what is the outcome you expect to gain from it? The Lord Jesus can help you if you let Him.
God has enlightened us with a sound mind. Now, this phrase "Sound mind" does not mean the opposite of insanity. It actually means discipline and self-control. Along with that, it is the ability to discern between truth and falsehood. So often, the devil gets us running from bugaboos. We must pull back the mask of darkness from the devil's ploys and expose them for what they are and see the things that count in eternity. God has given you a sound mind by trusting in His Word, not in the devil's schemes.
The thought that occurs to me is, if our country keeps going down the path that it's on, soon our church houses will be nothing more than memories of where our kinfolk once served our God. Don't let this happen. Please attend and support the church that is preaching the Word of God. Don't sit back and say "One of these days", because that day is soon approaching.
The Bible says in Numbers 6:26 "The Lord...give you peace. Have you ever tried the escape everyday troubles and pressure? Some people take a hike in the woods, some take a long bubble bath, some sit by a flowing stream of water...God wants you to have peace. Listen to HIM and enjoy HIS peace.
"Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy."
Jude 24 Have you fussed and fumed through life's challenges, wondering if the Sovereign Creator of the Universe was on vacation? I have a message for you: The God who hung the stars, the God who poured the oceans, the God who raised the mountains, the God who knew you before you were knit together in your mother's womb, this sovereign God is your Savior. He is your King, and He is in control. When you are plucked from the depths of sin, you are placed in the very in the very hand of God! You can't climb into the hand of God; you are placed into the hand of God. Hallelujah! Our efforts didn't get us there. His grace placed us there. And His love will keep us there - forever. What is the worth of a soul? A coin is minted for a purpose. It is meant to be spent, treasured, and valued, but not to be lost. When a coin is lost, it is worthless to the owner and the creator. It doesn't matter how valuable it may be intrinsically. If it is lost, it is lost. Which is worth more on the ocean floor, a hundred-dollar gold piece or a dime? As long as they are both on the ocean floor, both have the same value. Lost men are like lost silver. As long as a man is lost, he is out of circulation. God made you for a purpose. He wants you in circulation to spend and be spent for his glory.
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