We've been having a great time with the kids in our Vacation Bible School this week. I'll be back with more writings of daily devotionals next week. There's still 2 nights left for VBS with a special treat of pizza and surprises on Thursday evening - please join us!!
It's going to be a great week here at Open Door Fellowship!!! Today, we have our Bible School Kick Off with a pitch-in after the morning services. Tomorrow, Bible School begins with our theme this year being Beach Blast-God is Faithful.
Please feel free to join us for services today and stay for the pitch-in. We always have plenty of food and plan on bringing your children, grandchildren and the neighbors. Bible School includes all children between the ages of Kindergarten and 5th grade. What a great way for the kids to have fun before school starts! Come and share the joy that we are experiencing as God continues to work in our church and community!! I hope each one of us makes the best of this day. It's a day given to us by the creator of Heaven and Earth. Do something good for someone today. Be a blessing to someone today. Use your tongue to encourage your friends, neighbor, a stranger at Wal-Mart or the drug store. Our actions and words display who we are in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER. It is something you do when something is bothering you. When you have the thought of "I can't do anything about it" then you have a great reason to pray about it. Prayer is a straight link to the Throne of God, through His son Jesus Christ. What a great tool we have to do something with. Have you prayed today?
REMEMBER. Sunday is only 3 days away. I would say that all of us were blessed this week in some way. Don't you think that going to church and praising God would be the least one could do?
"The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth."
Psalm 145:18 Psalm 23 speaks of the "valley of the shadow of death." For every shadow, there must be light. Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). A shadow may frighten you, but a shadow cannot really hurt you. I dare say that a shadow at one time or another has spooked many of us. But thank God, death is but a shadow if you know the Lord Jesus Christ. If you keep your face toward the light, the shadow will fall behind you. You won't even see the shadow. God doesn't bring us to a valley to leave us there. He always bring us through. God is never closer than when you are in a dark valley. That's when He is especially near. In the original language, we're told Hebrews 13:5 actually has five negatives! The Amplified Bible translates it this way: "I will never, no, not ever, never leave you nor forsake you." Memorize this verse today. And believe it!! If we fill our hours with regrets over the failures of yesterday and worries about the problems we are going to face tomorrow, we have no time in which to be thankful for the laughter and the sunshine, the love and the joy of today. Lets be thankful for what we have right now, today. Fill your thoughts with God's blessings as you live today. Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there.
"Blessed is the man that heareth Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the posts of My doors."
Proverbs 8:34 Tick-tock. Tick-tock. We twiddle our thumbs. We watch the clock. Is this what God means for us to do when He tells us to wait on Him? Sometimes, but not always. When you sit down in a restaurant and someone approaches your table to take you order, what do you call this person? A waiter. Does that mean he spends his time doing nothing? Not if he wants a job! He is to be busy serving you. In the same way, we are to be busy in our waiting upon the Lord. Read Phillippians 3:10... Have you ever thought of what it took for Christ to give up His heavenly home for a short life here on earth? He was dependent on handouts for his income. He slept on a pallet or sometimes the bare ground. He gave His life of comfort for a life of sorrows, so you and I could have a chance of an eternal life in heaven. Have you thanked Him today for what He did for you?
"For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones."
Ephesions 5:29-30 The bible says that Jesus is the head of the Church and husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church; and there is more scripture that directs people to the church; so why is it that many believers think they don't have to go to church. They say yes to Jesus, but no to the church. Now, this happens for many reasons. But if you love God, you will love Jesus. And if you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and Jesus loves the church. Well, can't a man be a Christian without being a member of the church? Let me answer that question with another one--can a bee be a bee without a hive? Can a sailor be a sailor without a ship? Can a person be a parent without a family? Lets all face the facts; We need one another. We were made for one another. Jesus didn't say, "I will build you a church" or "You will build My church." Instead, Jesus said, "I will build My church." Now you answer whether or not you should go to church. |
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