1 John 5:3
Is it LOVE or LUST? Real love costs. That's right - there is no "Free love," like you may have thought if you were raised in the "60's. Love is a great and grand commitment. Sometimes a young man who seeks his own gratification will say to a young lady, "I love you" as a means of getting something from her. Oh, he loves her all right. He loves her like a man who loves oranges. He takes an orange, cuts a plug out of it, squeezes the sweet juice from it, throws it on the ground like a piece of garbage, wipes his mouth and says, "Man, I love oranges!" Let me tell you, real love is not that way. Lust lives to get. Real love lives to give. One of the ways you show the Lord you truly love Him is by keeping His commandments. Where is the LORD at on your priority list?