As we get older we can't help but think about the here after, at least us Christians do. My wife and I had a discussion the other day about our great grandbabies, and I said "think about it honey, great grandbabies" we are getting closer to eternity than ever before. The eternity excites me and makes me to wonder about all those who have gone on before me. And that excites me more! It reminds me of a story about an old man "Brother Peas". Now old brother Solomon Peas dies. His tombstone in London reads:
"Beneath these clouds and beneath these trees
Lies the body of Solomon Peas.
But this ain't Peas - it just the pod.
Peas shelled out and went to God."
I like that. That's what your body is. It's just a pod. What happens to a child of God who has trusted Christ as his or her Savior and LORD? When we close your eyes in this life, we open them in the next. Jesus did not say, "After two or three thousand years, you'll be with Me i paradise." Jesus said, "Today, truly, you'll be with Me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).
Are you confident that if you died today you'd be with Jesus in paradise? If not, then confess your sins and believe upon His name to save you. Now, go and tell someone!!