Mark 4:39
We have always had wars and rumors of wars since I can remember. Every political person I have ever listened to said things are going to get better if you just vote for me. Well, has that ever happened? Both parties have held the White House and things just keep getting worse. So, what does the bible say about that? Remember when Jesus was with his disciples on the Sea of Galilee and a storm came upon them? The lightning began to play in the wind. The sea churned. And the gentle winds turned into a cruel gale. The little ship was tossed and turned like a cork. The disciples despaired and said to the Lord Jesus Christ who was asleep, "Don't You care if we perish? Do something!" And Jesus said "Peace, be still." And he winds ceased and the sea calmed. This world is headed into a storm and the spiritual barometer is dropping. And our world will not know peace until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, comes and says, "Peace, be still."
Read the full account of what happened to the disciples in Mark 4:36-41.