Matthew 21:21
I like Face Book and our web page. Alot of times people are bringing up old events and happenings that has touched our hearts. I like old music and movies of the past. I enjoy reading about the little town I grew up in "Brightwood". Its been a long time ago now, that I remember riding my bike down Station street to go to the drugstore, and without locking my bike, it was still there when I came out to ride it home. Not today! Well this day is another 4th of July and I would bet that most people can't tell you what this day means. Very sad in our country today to see it in the shape its in.
When a nation loses its ability to discern morality, and to say that which is wrong to be right, and that which is right to be wrong, we are embarking on a slippery slope toward self-destruction. When a nation turns it back on the commands of God, He will say, "That's the last step. I wash My hands. You asked for it. You got it."
America is in a crisis, and unless we have a moral rebirth, we will join the graveyard of the nations--it's time to wake up. Time is passing--it's time to look up. Jesus is coming--it's time to sober up. Satan is working--it's time to pray up. Mountains need moving. Why not today, ask the Lord to heal our land, forgiving the iniquities of the wicked by bringing salvation to their souls. We have a great God who can and will forgive, if we just ask Him too! Happy 4th of July to all my FB and web page friends.