Psalms 19:12
Have you ever heard anyone say, "I don't have to go to church to be a Christian"? Well, when it comes right down to it, many lay claim to Christianity but their hearts are far from God. So, do I still have to go to church to be a Christian? I believe in church attendance, but if your relationship with the Lord and with others is suffering, then you need to stay at home and get on your face before God. The church is a place to worship with others. How in the world can one worship when they are out of fellowship with Christ the Lord? Answer that one for me.
Sometimes a businessman will get very prosperous in his business--and at first it seems a good thing. He tells his wife, "Honey, you know how I couldn't give you much when we got married? Well, now I can." But soon the pursuit of a nice home and nice things consume him. A sadness descends upon his wife and children, and they lament, "Oh, Daddy...Oh, Husband...what we would give to just have you spend time with us." What tragedy, it would be if what you do for Jesus keeps you from Jesus. Stop the cycle today. If you know you're a workaholic, or pleasureaholic, stop it. If you know your walk is far from God, get it right, someone is watching you, and where are you leading them?